Red DSL Internet Light on Modem – Today I’m going to show you how to set up DSL your internet with CenturyLink Modem. You will get everything that you need in a box similar to this they provide you with instructions and you will find an installation guide, you will get your power cord, get an Ethernet cable the yellow and the green is your DSL cue, and that is your router modem and it is Wireless. So how about we get started first thing, you want to do get your power cord.
I’m going to connect the power cord, first on the back of the modem, you’ll see power, just go ahead and connect that once you do that, we’re going to wait on the on the indicators here, we’re going to wait till that turns a solid green as you can see the power indicator is the solid green color. Now we’re going to get our other cables out, this is your DSL cable and this is a pretty long cord on the back of the modem.
Red DSL Internet Light on Modem
DSL Light is Red, Red DSL Light
We’re gonna connect the DSL Light Centurylink Modem here, we’re going to connect the other gather in your wall
jack after you do that, you’ll see that the DSL light will be solid green, and once it’s solid green, we’re going to go ahead and connect the ethernet cable one and goes to a connection of your computer or laptop which I will show you, so on this laptop the ethernet is light here, so we’ll connect like this to the Ethernet.
I’m going to connect the other, and you can just choose any of these Ethernet connections you have for connections, so I’m going to go ahead and connect it to the first one. Now as you look at the indicator lights, you’ll see the internet is flashing screen, so that means all is good the wireless is flashing, so you’re pretty much connect to the Internet, so let’s go ahead and power up the computer.
And everything should all be set, if you look down here this light here shows your Internet access, you can read that, so you’re all set with your internet.
Red Internet Light on Modem
Read More : (Solved) How to Fix CenturyLink DSL Light Red on Modem
Question and Anwer Red DSL Light Centurylink Modem Internet :
Do I have to plug in the DSL??
- Yes, but the ethernet no since it’s wireless?
My modems DSL light keeps flashing green?
- Bill None same did you ever figure out what happens
The power light on my modem has been red for over an hour and has not turned green. What do I do??
- Try power cycling the modem. Unplug it, wait 30 seconds and then replug it?
I did and it is still the same thing. what do I do??
- When the power light is red, the modem is performing a hardware test. In your case, it’s staying red. That means the hardware test failed. Constant red power light on the modem indicates a modem hardware failure. I would contact Centurylink.?
My internet sign is red what do I do?
- The DSL signal is not being detected. Check with Centurylink to check your line.?
Why does my internet say limited, help!?
- It means you are connected but have no internet or your computer isn’t able to receive it. Try disconnecting the computer and reconnect it. Also, unplug the router for a minute and plug it back in.?
My internet DSL light is on red what do you help, please?
- Make sure it plugged in right?
- The internet light will be red if the DSL signal is not detected. Check with Centurylink to check your line.?
I’m paying for 60mbps but am only getting 3. any suggestions??
- Call tech support?
My internet works but my home phone doesn’t. Any tips??
- For that, you’ll have to call Centurylink.?