Salmon Pink Hex

Its hex code is FA8072. In the RGB red green blue system the salmon pink color percentage is comprised of salmon pink in the RGB system is 255134116.

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In the RGB color model ff9999 is comprised of 100 red 60 green and 60 blue.

Salmon pink hex. In the HSL colour scale it has a hue of 3496. This color has an approximate wavelength of 60288 nm. Dalam model warna RGB d99678 terdiri dari 851 merah 5882 hijau dan 4706 biru.

Fa8072 hex color red value is 250 green value is 128 and the blue value of its RGB is 114. Saturation and 784. Generally strong emotions their physical self and being impulsion.

The approximate English language name for the ff96a7 hexadecimal color code is Salmon Pink. This shade of pink is a little warmer than flamingo but cooler than coral. As per HSBHSV model the color has a hue of 10 saturation of 58 and a brightness of 80.

HTML CSS or hex color code for color Light salmon pink. The CMYK Values and Percentages for Salmon Pink Whereas the RGB values focus on a 3-color combination the CMYK values focus on 4. Australian Standard AS2700 R42 Salmon Pink d99678 Kode Warna Hex.

04 255 Add a useful notedescription about this color. This color is described as light red. Because of their close resemblance.

Salmon Hex FF9999 RGB 255 153 153. Hex Color and RGB Code for Salmon pink with Hex Code FF91A4 and RGB code 255 145 164. The CMYK values of Salmon Pink RAL are C0 M49 Y58 K20.

Degrees 93 saturation and 71 lightness. 093 and the lightness value of fa8072 is 071. The hexadecimal RGB code of Salmon Pink color is FF91A4.

043 255 Add a useful notedescription about. 255 150 167 CMYK Code. This code is composed of a hexadecimal FF red 255256 a 91 green 145256 and a A4 blue component 164256.

Cylindrical-coordinate representations also known as HSL of color fa8072 hue. The hexadecimal color code for Salmon pink is FF91A4 and the RGB color code is rgb255145164. The decimal RGB color code is rgb 255145164.

In a RGB color space hex ff9999 also known as Light salmon pink is composed of 100 red 60 green and 60 blue. The color salmon with hexadecimal color code fa8072 is a medium light shade of red. Psychologically when humans think of this color Salmon pink fa8a9e in branding the following may come to mind.

Di ruang warna HSL d99678 memiliki hue 19. Its closest web safe color is FFABB9. HTML CSS or hex color code for color Salmon pink.

Convert colour Salmon Pink to RGB Hex Pantone RAL or CMYK. Kode warna heksadesimal d99678 adalah cahaya sedang bayangan dari merah oranye. In the RGB color model ff9999 is comprised of 100 red 60 green and 60 blue.

The hexidecimal color fa8a9e almost matches the color named Salmon pink. Salmon fa8072 Hex Color Code. In the HSL color space fa8072 has a hue of 6.

3212020 fa8072 color name is Salmon color. Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 0 cyan 40 magenta 40 yellow and 0 black. This color was named with the keyword Salmon Pink by the users.

The color light salmon pink with hexadecimal color code ff9999 f99 is a light shade of red. With pink being the driving color behind salmon it is considered a hopeful color and a signal of health and happiness. 0 0411 0345 0.

Pastel pink Hex FFD1DC RGB 255 209 220. In the HSBHSV color space Salmon pink has a hue of 3496. In the RGB color model Salmon pink has red values 255 green value 145 and blue value 164.

In the RGB color model fa8072 is comprised of 9804 red 502 green and 4471 blue. Derajat 56 saturasi dan 66 penerangan. Pastel pink is a very pale cool pink often classified as an Easter color It is lighter in tone than both light pink and baby pink.

While salmon is sometimes used to refer to colors ranging from pale pinkish-orange to light pink the true salmon color mixes pink with a touch of orange and is just on the lighter side of coral. 8262020 Salmon is a light to medium pink that somewhat represents the color of a wild salmons flesh. Salmon Pink RAL color hex code is CC6955 and RGB 204 105 85.

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