As we all know, Kodi app has been around since 2002, which is coincidental, it was made for original Xbox. Now, the question is can Kodi be installed on Xbox one? The answer is yes, you can use this unique media player app on Xbox One. With this app, you can play audio or video file that you saved on your drives. Or, you also can play the file on your home network or another server, online. For you who never tried it or don’t know how to do it, here are simple guidelines you can use.
Installation Guide
First, Kodi for Xbox that is now available is still in Alpha state. Therefore, although you can install it, do not expect that you will get perfectly worked application on your Xbox One. There will be many bugs and error, which will be removed and repaired on its next version. So, here are the steps to install it.
- Turn on your Xbox One and connect it to the internet,
- Sign in with Xbox Live profile,
- Go to Xbox Store and use “Kodi” keyword to search the app,
- Then, just download it.
If you can’t download it right away, maybe the app is in “pending” status. To solve this problem, open the menu by choosing three dots button. Then, on that menu, choose “Download Now.” That’s how to install Kodi on Xbox one.
Now, the other important question is how to use Kodi on Xbox one? The answer is easy. You just need to press your Xbox button and hold it until the menu where you can run this app, appear. Or, you can open the Home display and you will find the Kodi icon in there. Open it and you can use it to play your audio or video file.
How to Install Kodi on Xbox One
The Kodi Add-ons
Basically, from this point onward, you can use this audio and video app without using Kodi crack or anything that can put your file or devices under threat of malware and such. However, the Kodi app that you can get today is still in Alpha state. That means it lacks features. To solve this problem, you can download Add-ons for Kodi. In Kodi, it’s called Repository. You can use these extra parts to add something like Add-ons in Kodi app.
To add Add-ons that you like, enter a Setting menu. Then, choose Add-ons option. Once you choose this option, it will automatically download from Repository and install it on your app. Then, you can find a list of many different modules/Add-ons you can install, including Kodi Indian movies, for you who like Bollywood.
Basically, those are several steps how to install Kodi on Xbox one and how you can use this great app. It’s easy to do. What you need to prepare is good internet connection as well as enough space in your drive, so you can install the Kodi app with all Add-ons that you want. And, you can change your Xbox One into one of best media player devices.