Verizon AOL Email Settings – I made this relative to the Verizon email transfer over to the AOL platform, as a tutorial go to mail > application, come down and go over the preferences, and preferences click the plus sign, do not click right here where it says AOL that will not work, the reason why that will not work is that’s going to be. I’m using an automated program that will try to set the AOL Mail up as a pop server.
Verizon AOL Email Settings
We don’t want that because we’re going to be actually setting up Verizon email, that is going to be in service at the AOL company, but it’s not going to be set up that way. So we’re going to go down to where it says our mail account we’re going to click continue right up here it says dang you want to put in general, just put in your first and your last name, all right and then what will happen is that will be up the strength on the left on the mailbox.
Here you going to plan your email, whatever it is and Verizon. Will be first your last name and then the dot net usually it, do not enter your password. if you enter your password it will just come back saying that the user accounts already use, because it is your Verizon dot net is used over the horizon server, we’re trying to build it in today, grabbing it off an AOL, so app right here you just want to default and I type in two letters on the keyboard or something like that to.
Verizon AOL Email Account Settings
Just to say you have a password, you definitely do not put in the password, click Sign In and this should have come back saying that it failed and give us the secondary screen with what day. We can enter and see why it failed, the reason why I just kind of failed is self-evidence, we didn’t throw it in that way.
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So here right here at this time, you can erase right there default, we put in just to get to the screen, now you can enter your password for your Verizon, got that email the one that you put in on the AOL account. When you set it up here it says pop server. We don’t want that we’re going to go use an IMAP server here it says Pop Tart Verizon dot net that was.
AOL Email Settings for Verizon Customers
When the Verizon email was at the Verizon dot net service again, we’re in the AOL’s we’re going to take that out stop there, when I go to pop dot AOL com, and then down here we’re going to go up, this is the amp shoot, this move on of this SMTP. So here we’re going to AOL com, and then up here where it’s at the incoming mail server you want that IMAP.
If we don’t use a pop server using the IMAP, which I just put up here under the account type, I’m at SMTP AOL com, now to hit the sign in you’ll be able to sign in, and then it will load the mail for you, and then if you click done it’ll complete it. They’re all set.