How to Dual Boot Multi Boot Raspberry Pi

How to Dual Boot Multi Boot Raspberry Pi – I’m going to show you how to use a really useful utility called Berryboot to install multiple operating systems on the SD card in a Raspberry Pi, and indeed how also to install the operating system for a Raspberry Pi on other media, such as a USB Drive. Yes this sounds very useful doesn’t it, so let’s get on with investigating Berryboot.

To get Berryboot, you just need to go to the web and go to a, which will divert you to this longer address

On this page, if you just scroll down a bit, you will see there are two versions of very good for the PI 1 for the original PI, in the PI 0 and PI 1, PI 2 and PI 3, and I want the second of those, so I’ll click on that. And then a couple of seconds we arrive in the file dialog, where it’s going to save the file – I’ve already defaulted it – which is download and berryboot on my netbook here, so I’ll save that, shouldn’t take too long it’s got about a 30, 33, 34 megabyte file almost downloaded there, and there we are all sorted out, so if we now minimize that, you’ll see, I’ve already got that folder open, we just need to extract these far, so I’ll double click that and we’ll go to an extract all files, we’ll stick it on to the machine here initially, shouldn’t take it too long but you never know. And there we are the files of all extracted all sitting waiting to be put on our SD card, so I’ll keep I’ll open but will close down other stuff.

Now an Internet SD card, I’m going to use this SanDisk Ultra 16 gigabyte card, you could use a smaller card, but of course, you’ll be using a fairly big card probably if you want to boot both with operating systems on the card, that’s the whole point of doing this.

Install Retropie on Raspbian

Install Retropie on Raspbian

How to Dual Boot Multi Boot Raspberry Pi

So I’ll put this card into by Alexa USB card reader and I’ll insert this into a netbook here, there we are and it will now appear hopefully on my computer, it has this is a blank card, you must make sure the card is formatted to be fat32, this is removable disk here must be careful as another card in this as well, but that’s it’s definitely what I want, I’ll right-click that, and we’ll do a format just to be certain, and you can see it’s picked as a default to format a fat32.

I’ll just click start on file 32 just in case the car isn’t it for 32, and there we are that’s complete, and now I’ll now open up the card. There we are looking lots of lovely space sitting over there, and if we go back to our berryboot files, I’ll do a ctrl a pick them all up, edit and copy, edit and paste, yes I could control C, and control V, that well I thought I’d show you on screen, and it’ll copy all the files over and then we’ll all be finished, and there we are we now have an SD card all ready to be used to run berryboot on our Raspberry Pi.

so I’ll eject the thing and we’ll get on with that, I’ve now put the SD card into my Raspberry Pi 2 which we’re going to boot up and hopefully use it to install multiple operating systems, and here it is booting although we are, we’ve arrived in berryboot that was nice, and quick it’s a very straightforward system to use here, you can see with a few questions around show on the screen.

Can we see green borders for overscan and at the acai counter? I’ll leave that, that it is, I’m currently connected here by a wired network, so I can use that to work with this, but if I wasn’t I could click on Wi-Fi, and then I go into my Wi-Fi credentials, it won’t let me do that because there’s no Wi-Fi, enabled here, I haven’t got a dongle plugged into the PI 2, but you can do this by a wide or a Wi-Fi network.

So I’ll leave that as, it is it says I can test the keyboard, so I will do I’ll go don’t dump, yes I can test the keyboard and we’ll click OK. We now have to select where we’re going to install our operating system, now at the moment, I’ve just got the SD card in the PI, so to install onto the SD card the operating system which is down there.

So we’ll go OK, and we’ll go format it, will format it in a second with the appropriate files, and here we are it’s giving us a choice of operating systems, and who saves a lot of operating systems here, it’s basically picked up everything really supported for the PI the standard version of raspbian, which is what I’ll pick in a second, but we’ve got fedora, we’ve got all sorts of options down here, we’ve got say Ubuntu mate.

Multiboot Raspberry Pi

Multiboot Raspberry Pi

Install Retropie on Raspbian

If you will install that look like those can Android, we might try that a bit later on we’ve also got others which are things like a retro PI there for gaming, and we’ve even got some appliance settings as well, but for now as our first operating system. I’m going to install the standard version of raspbian, so I’ll click OK, and it now needs to download that operating system, which will, of course, take a little bit of time

So we’ll nip into high-speed and there we are the download is now complete, isn’t it amazing how much data we pull off the internet these days and we can press ok to reboot, and here we are coming up again, before familiar raspberries and there we are we’ve booted to that, and we should from this be able to boot my boot menu obviously one item, but we will boot from that it will boot any awakened to the counters clicking down, and we’re now going into a raspbian.

So this will be a standard first boot into raspbian coming from our newly installed version on our berryboot system, and here we are in raspbian with this standard raspberry on the screen, but of course, we could do this already what we want to be able to do is to have multiple operating systems.

So now going to close down and we’ll add another operating system to our raspberry pi, so here we are booting up
again and we should get back to the boot menu. I hope fairly quickly are familiar with raspberries there, and there we are actually a boot menu, we could boot here into raspbian. We would if I don’t do something quickly but I’ll go to click Edit menu and I’m going to add another operating system.

Now if you single click the button up here to add an operating system, you go straight to the list of choices, if you click and hold, you’ll notice you get a chance also to put an operating system on from a USB stick, but I don’t currently have that so I will select the downloaded OS from the Internet, and I think this time I’ll try something a little different.

Let’s try this experimentalist version of Android KitKat, so I’ll select that and ok and of course, we’ll have another download to do, and another download is an almost complete, little bit of a smaller download this one, there we are finished off and all I have to do is once again click on X hit, which will take us out of the menu editor and reboot the machine.

Dual Boot Raspberry Pi 3

Dual Boot Raspberry Pi 3

See Also: How to Do Print Screen on Mac (Capture Screen Image)

Multiboot Raspberry Pi

There we are, we’ve gone through the berryboot is coming back again, we’ve got the post screen from the PI and it’s lovely rainbow II colors, for raspberries as usual and there we are, we’ve now with a boot menu which has got Android KitKat or debian, we could this times decide to boot to Android and I think we will do that, so we’ll leave it on that will go boot, and there we are I’ll be intrigued to see this, you might be intrigued as well those a little android, people weren’t they wonder how this will come up, or something is definitely happening, we’ve arrived on an Android type of desktop, oh this seems to be a little bit unstable my mouse is leaping all over the place butter.

So into press OK down there, so I better press OK, and there we are Leonardo it seems to be a something is working, look we’ve got very sir choose some apps to add to our hold screen by touching it, there we are what do we want, we’ll have let’s be exciting, let’s have a clock, and there we are, oh look we’ve now got an Android desktop with the clock on it, isn’t that amazing and I think that’s all going to do here is not an article about running this version of Android on the PI, it’s about installing multiple operating systems. So let’s go on and try something else.

Right here we are again, I thought we’d start with the menu editor this time, disappoint add a few more things, we’ve got the choice here in the menu editor of deciding which operating system boots first, add a default if you do nothing, and so at the moment that will be unsure if it could be raspberry, we could just press this as default, and it would work, you might also see, I brought up here more options by clicking more options you’d probably have worked that one out, we have all sorts of things we can do here we can for example clone operating system, we can backup an operating system, I can say for example, I want to take a cop here the Android KitKat.

I might have altered it a bit and I wanna maybe play with it and what, not list-making disastrous changes, I could hit backup and as you can see we’ve got options, we can clone the SD card to an excel reader we had another reader for an SD card, we could put that then we can make a copy of a system that’s very useful.

We can export an image of the operating system of the original or the image with the data that we’ve changed, so if I selected that for example, I can just click OK, I’ve actually put a USB Drive into the pie as you can see, it’s got those other things on it that’s absolutely fine.

We’ve got our image file here, we just press save and it would save it to our USB Drive, and it’s finished. I thought it’d crush there, but it hasn’t and if we want to get that back again, we can simply go back into the backup menu, and we can import an image back for USB stick.

So you can move images around between pies, and cards and meat that’s that’s very helpful do, we wonder this no, we always just show people what would happen. So there we are very good all sorts of options here, you can see, you can get into the config files, if you need to the config text file on the other PI, see you’ve got complete control, if you want it if you don’t want it, you can use it very much as I’ve shown you here, just clicking and moving things around and it’s nice and straightforward.

So a very good tool in the armory of anybody, playing around a lot with different operating systems on a Raspberry Pi, right as a final demonstration as a final trick, I’m now booting up again with a clean copy of berryboot and I’ve also got connected to the PI, not just a USB Drive, but also this old SSD which is connected in with a SATA to USB adapter. What about try and do is to put the operating system files onto the SSD.

So here we are in very boot and as last time, I leave all that as it is, and I’ll go OK, and I now want to in select my destination drive to be, I think it is going to be, that one isn’t it that is my SS, the connected it does not transcend, it’s not the internal card, it’s not network must be that one, and so that’s that’s fine it’s going to format with drive which is ok, because it is actually blank.

So we’ll let that be ok, and now I want to add an operating system, but I actually want to add it using not these systems here, but actually on a globe on in from an image, I’ve already got saved to the USB Drive, so what I think I have to do is to go cancel there, and it’s going to go ok, and will reboot and come back again, and here we are, I’m now going to do a doe s click and hold copy OS from USB stick, and I think it’s SD 1.

I’m going to guess it is, and there’s the raspbian Jessi image which we had previously which I saved to the USB Drive, before I actually reformatted the card, I’m using here, so we’ll go open, and there we’ve got raspbian on the drive, and I think just for good measure, we’ll add on the Android copy as well.

So again I’ll go copy from OS used B stick take that, and we’ve got our Android KitKat, there we’ll put that on too and I think that’s all we need. So I’m now going to an exit from this – we’ll do our final reboot of the article, and here we are coming up for a final time, now I should point out that what we’ve got the operating systems installed on the SSD, you still have to boot from an SD card on the PI the Python from USB.

It’s booting from the SD card with berryboot on it, and when it’s picked up the menu here, from here operating systems we have installed on the SSD. So let’s boot raspbian from the SSD or at least effectively load raspbian from the SSD, and here it is our raspbian SSD boot, is it amazingly quicker not really, this is a Raspberry Pi – and although we’ve got an SSD connected spiral USB 2 interface, it proves upon many people have said to me over the past few years of the Raspberry Pi, could you boot from the external drive could you load your operating system an external drive? you could do, I’m using an SSD here cuz a piker parity couldn’t power an external two, and a half inch drive you need extra power for that but anyway, I think that proves something else, you can do with berryboot a very impressive system, and we’ve now got raspbian loading from an SSD berryboot is one of those great utilities, that just works and works very well indeed for its stated purpose.

So if you want to have multiple operating systems running from your raspberry pi without constantly switching SD cards, I’d very much recommend using very good.

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